Jubilee Christmas 2022
December 10, 2022 8:00 - 11:00am | Kemp United Methodist Church
Kemp United Methodist Church is excited to participate in Jubilee Christmas of Tipton County again this year. It is a wonderful way to bless those in need in our community this holiday season!
We are looking forward to connecting with the families on Saturday, December 10th!
We need help to make our Jubilee Christmas, including breakfast with Santa event a success! There are several ways to get involved, whether you attend in-person or join us online.
-We need in-person volunteers the day of the event. If you are interested in volunteering please email office@kempumc.com
-If you are willing to purchase a gift for one of the children of the families we are hosting, take an ornament from our Jubilee Christmas tree in the back of our sanctuary. If you watch online, you can still participate. Let us know how many ornaments you’d like and we can help you select the ornaments and you can shop for the gifts and ship them to us or if you’d prefer, you can donate the money for the gifts and we can do the shopping for you. ALL gifts are due by Sunday, December 4th.
-If you want to donate to our Jubilee Christmas fund, you can donate through our online giving link (click on the “give” tab here on our website) and then select the “Jubilee Christmas” option from the drop-down box.
-Pray for the families we are hosting at Kemp UMC as well as the families other churches in Tipton County are hosting.
-Pray for our volunteers, for God to help us be a blessing to the families we are hosting before the event, during the event, and afterwards.