RUTH Week 1 “What Do You Cling To?” Pastor Brian 07.30.23
Courtney   -  

We kicked-off our new sermon series on the book of “RUTH” with the sermon titled: “What do you cling to?” preached by Pastor Brian Cooper.

When all seemed lost, Ruth chose to cling to Naomi and follow her to Bethlehem. What led Ruth to cling to Naomi in this way? Was she just clinging to Naomi or was she clinging to the God Naomi served and the glimmer of hope that still remained? No matter the difficulties or trials we face, we can have hope in the God who loves us and will provide for us. The God who will meet us in our suffering, doubt, brokenness, loss, as well as our believing, victories, happiness is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The same God that remained faithful to Ruth and Naomi, will also remain faithful to us.


Videos Credit:

Hello Summer – Welcome created by: Timber and Pearl

More Than Enough for Tomorrow created by: Freebridge Media

Hello Summer – Goodbye created by: Timber and Pearl