Awkward Faith Week 2 – Abraham: Father’s Day 06.18.23
Courtney   -  

Pastor Brian preached the second sermon in our AWKWARD FAITH sermon series on Father’s Day. It was based on Abraham, also known as the father of many nations and the awkward moments he encountered in his faith journey but remained faithful. The calling of fathers is critical in our society (biological fathers as well as foster fathers, adoptive fathers, spiritual fathers). Will you allow God to work in the awkward moment you encounter for His glory and to lead you further into the plan and the promises He has for you? Happy Father’s Day to all the dads!

Video credits:

You are Welcome created by Freebridge Media

Celebrate Dad created by Freebridge Media

Father’s Day Prayer created by Floodgate Productions

Summer Stripes – Thanks for Joining Us created by Igniter Media