Love Better Week 2 / Do You See Me? 05.14.23
Ministry Coordinator, Bethany Cooper preached our sermon called “Do You See Me?” which is based on the book of Ruth and Titus about the opportunity we have to impact the lives of those around us. Our world needs to know that we “SEE” them and that God sees them too. We have the opportunity every day to be a portrait of God to those around us. God’s heart is for us to see the needs of others and do what we can to come alongside them and be a vessel He can use to draw them closer to Him. We apologize for the slight glitch from the introduction to the sermon, internet outage impacted our recordings.
Video credits:
Mother’s Day Roses – Welcome by Life Scribe Media
Moms: Portraits of God – Mini Movie by Floodgate Productions
What Wondrous Love is This – Lyric Media – by Igniter Media
Brilliance – God Bless by Life Scribe Media